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Piko's Retro Gaming Shop

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Dorke and Ymp is an unreleased Super Nintendo game developed back in the early 1990's by a Swedish company called Norse. The game was developed with unlicensed tools made by the game programmers. Unfortunately it failed to acquire a publisher and was never released.

Luckily we found the original programmer, composer, and artist, and we acquired the source code of about 50% of the game.

These are the new features and updates done to the game:

• Over 100 bugs and crashes fixed!

• Added a whole new world and levels (Volcano)

• Added menu, cutscenes and ending.

• Implemented password save system

• Designed, developed and implemented four boss fights, according to the original game story.

• Organized pieces the game to be able to play with proper continuity

This product is newly manufactured, no original SNES games were harmed in the production of this game.

Product includes:

• Game in 16-bit SNES cartridge, compatible with all clone and original consoles

• Card board box

• Color instruction manual

This game may not work on Retron 5 or Retro Freak, or any emulator based consoles.

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